Featured Case Studies

Web & Mobile
Cloud Startup UK

We built a solution to quickly understand and monitor cloud spend and usage, and implement the software’s rightsizing capabilities to eliminate waste.

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Problem Statement

Large cloud environments have Increased complexity, Lack of end-to-end visibility, Loss of control, and Spiraling costs.

Proposed Solution
  • Built a solution to quickly understand and monitor cloud spend and usage, and implement the software’s right-sizing capabilities to eliminate waste.
  • Teams will work according to strictly governed workflows maintaining accountability and traceability.
  • Significant improvement in Cost reduction, Self-service, Governance, Accelerated deployments, and Right sizing.
Technologies used

AWS, VMWare, OpenStack, Cloud SDK, Terraform, Ansible, Node.js, Angular, ServiceNow, JIRA, etc.

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Geo Spatial Tech Startup Australia

We craft interoperable software components seamlessly integrated within a distributed and scalable framework. It includes an Open Layers-based web interface and presents massive geographic data.

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Problem Statement

Due to global warming, Environmental issues, species extinction, etc., decision-makers on reliable knowledge tools to take futuristic decisions.

Proposed Solution
  • Web and Mobile Interoperable software components leveraged within a distributed and scalable framework.
  • Open Layers-based web interface to collect and present massive geographic data. It operates OGC protocols.
  • Ready to use Geospatial Big Data in its spectral, spatial, and temporal dimensions. Models, A.I. algorithms, and calculations enhance the automation of processes.
Technologies used

Python, Cesium, Node.js, Vue.js, Postgres, Kubernetes, and various sensory image processing algorithms.

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Transport Department India

We deploy a solution addressing transport challenges by seamlessly monitoring vehicle movements across check posts to minimize revenue leakage transport management.

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Problem Statement

The transport department is facing problems managing and monitoring vehicle movements across check posts to minimize revenue leakage.

Proposed Solution
  • Web Application developed to capture the vehicle movement and integration with Smart APNR Camera with IR Illuminator, CCTV cameras with proximity Sensors for capturing other critical information.
  • Core functionalities include Capturing the vehicle no. through ANPR cameras from the In and Out traffic movement. Integration of Vehicle weight through static weighbridge. Generation of Supervision Charges Challans, Generation of Motor Vehicle Division Challans.
Technologies used

.NET Core, Angular.js, MySQL, Docker, 3rdPartyAPI, and Hardware Integration.

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Web & Mobile
B2C SaaS Startup UK

We built a solution to combat global food waste, connecting sellers and buyers through a mobile app. With discounted sales of expiring products, our platform minimizes waste and saves money.

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Problem Statement

B2C SaaS Startup

Proposed Solution
  • Mobile app-based solution that connects the sellers and buyers to sell the about-to-expire products at a discounted price which helps to reduce food waste and save money.
  • Web interface for the product admin and sellers. The seller can upload the products through API, Manually, or bulk import.
  • Mobile interface for sellers helps to do things easily in terms of managing the products and buyer's interests.
Technologies used

AWS, Flutter, Node.js, Angular, 3rd Party API, Firebase, Postgres, etc.

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Web & Mobile
Smart Factory India

We built Smart Factory a powerful solution for streamlined production, reduced breakdowns, and real-time insights, optimizing manufacturing efficiency.

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Problem Statement

Poor production planning and tracking, equipment breakdowns in manufacturing sectors costs time, delivery issues, and resources.

Proposed Solution
  • Smart Factory is a web and tablet app solution that can help improve these unexpected and unnecessary losses.
  • Smart Factory MI reporting platform can provide insights into the production operations, machine maintenance details, tracking the machine idle hours, employee/machine OEE, etc.
  • Easily track and view past maintenance work, schedule automatic alerts for future maintenance, and see the current status of work orders.
Technologies used

Node.js, Angular.js, MariaDB, Flutter, Machine Integrations and 3rd API’s.

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Purchase Order Data Extraction UK

We engineered a machine learning solution for the firm, automating data extraction across diverse formats and languages with minimal manual intervention.

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Problem Statement

Customers load POs into the firm's CRM. All these PDFs are in various regional formats and manually creating orders and time-consuming.

Proposed Solution
  • The firm wanted a machine-learning solution that deals with this data extraction across various formats & languages and runs with minimal manual involvement.
  • The solution learns from a few examples for different formats and extracts data from the purchase orders.
  • The system uses spatial relations, and typographical information in the PDF to learn extracting the required fields.
Technologies used

AWS, VMWare, OpenStack, Cloud SDK, Terraform, Ansible, Node.js, Angular, ServiceNow, JIRA, etc.

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